What Do We Do?

Here at Business Psychology Academy, we are on a mission to bring about needed change in the working world. We envision a world where individuals feel empowered, supported, motivated and happy in their work. In this place, there is time to connect with ourselves and others. Here, we are motivated to help and support one another to reach all of our goals. This is a place where we lift each other up and have compassion for our own and each other’s well-being and needs. Essentially, we want to make work more human again because “people power business”

At Business Psychology Academy, we know that any change is first brought about within our minds and then is created outside of ourselves in the world. That is why we have developed our unique psychology and wellness services for professionals, entrepreneurs and organisations so that they can begin to create this change first in the mind and then follow through in the world.

Our Values


Bravely paving the path for future success


People first & performance will follow


Evidence based.
Science based.


A virtual online service with real tangible personal touches


Bravely paving the path for future success


People first & performance will follow


Evidence based.
Science based.


A virtual online service with real tangible personal touches

Our Courses

All training can be provided via online learning, in-house workshops or virtual live events, depending on the specific needs of the client.



Respect, Boundaries and Assertiveness in the Workplace




The Power of Positive Habits



Self-Care and Sustain


Women in Business (6wk course) Date: 10/01/22

Weekly accountability sessions

Journaling techniques

Free downloadable resources

Recommended reading list

MAPS Framework for Success

MINDSET – limiting beliefs, self-compassion, positive affirmations

ACTION – setting goals and taking inspired action

POSITIVE HABITS – The accumulative power of tiny daily changes

SUSTAIN – burnout, brownout, boundaries, rest and support

Goal-Setting & Effective Action


MAPS Framework for Success

MINDSET – limiting beliefs, self-compassion, positive affirmations

ACTION – setting goals and taking inspired action

POSITIVE HABITS – The accumulative power of tiny daily changes

SUSTAIN – burnout, brownout, boundaries, rest and support

Mindset Training for Success

  • definition of success
  • shame
  • compassion
  • positive self-talk
  • self-judgement

Assertiveness & Communication in the Workplace


Why are we so passionate about supporting you and your staff?


Employees who are driven, motivated and dedicated are an asset to any company and the cultivation of empowerment is one that requires a holistic approach, working with employees’ mental, physical, social and spiritual health and values. And for entrepreneurs, you are the leading force behind an idea, a team and a growing business so empowerment is invaluable. Only when we truly begin to dissect and understand our limiting beliefs, daily actions and unconscious habits…can we truly begin to create change in our lives. It starts from the inside out! When we value ourselves and feel valued, we are more likely to over-deliver, be loyal to our company, and contribute to a more positive company environment. According to a study conducted by Gallup (2017), companies with engaged employees outperform those without them by a whopping 202%.


Our aim is not just to deliver what a company asks for; we set out to be the spark for inspired action for every participant. Employees walk away with the know-how but also the practical strategies around exactly how to achieve their goals, increase productivity and live a life aligned to their true purpose. According to Gilbert (2021), there is now considerable psychological research showing how our “brains and bodies “work best” in environments where we feel cared for and about, and feel we can make a contribution that others value (Gilbert, 2009)”. Supporting entrepreneurs and companies to promote emotional literacy and a compassion-focused culture results in less absenteeism and presenteeism (when we are present at work but not working), higher employee retention rates and increased revenue figures.


When companies offer health supports to their staff, it means that we can access millions of people who otherwise would not benefit from this knowledge and strategies. Because 100% of our content is available online, it means we can reach everyone with access to the internet and it can be done in a discreet manner if required. Workplace health promotion (WHP) projects in companies are one of the key solutions for improving health among employees (Jimenez & Bregenzer, 2018; Kirsten & Karch, 2012). Our founders have over 10 years of combined experience working directly with clients in a clinical setting and have gained insights which have provided a broad and unquestionable understanding of the importance of workplace mental health and wellness. We have witnessed a wonderful wave of change in company and employee attitudes towards mental health in recent years and making health support accessible moves the needle in a real way from rhetoric to reality.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.” Tony Robbins

Our purpose is to help people thrive, succeed and fulfil their life’s purpose. Our careers do not exist in isolation – we are multifaceted people with needs, desires, talents and values that all impact and are impacted by what we do on a daily basis. Our workplace can and should be a place of empowerment, compassion, fulfillment and community.

Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

Richard Branson.

Our brand purpose is to facilitate companies to create compassionate workplace cultures so that employees and business owners are armed with meaningful resources to ensure they are happy, healthy and productive in their work.

Who We Work With